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7 pm START Jason Hotton 8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal

Euphoric Love Bomb Transmission

The time has come for the Heart Centered 8/8 Lions Gate Portal Gathering.

Connecting all lightworkers across the globe and beyond.

With an expansion of our heart charkas,  we will connect to one another and create a massive super charged vortex  spiral of light, which will amplify and intensify the Merkabar (see below), and  with the aid of triple cone technology and our higher selves, we will amplify and intensify our intentions, in the name of the highest. With pure intentions we will create the infinity symbol. We will send Euphoria Plasma Healing light to break down the patriarchy system that has oppressed Humanity for eons.

Through sound, prayer  & Merkabar organite technology, we will hum Euphoria into the grid lines of Mother earth and to all that exists,  which will ripple throughout time and space, right throughout the Cosmos. 

This transmission will be in synchronization with ceremonys in Glastonbury England ,  Hill of Tara in Ireland,  Avalon below us and the City of Sapphire , above us and more...

It’s such an incredible,  powerful time in our history to  be alive,  to unite & celebrate our sovereignty and give gratitude for Mother Earth creating the 888 trinity. It is also the year of the WOOD EMERALD DRAGON and great change is upon us.

We have just come out of a 2000 year old Pisces cycle , to the age of Aquarius. We move from oppression, to progression. The awakening of humanity is here for us to tap into. Consciousness up and a remembrance of whom we truly are. Love and blessings to all creatures great and small.

I am that I am..

Guest appearance:   Kate Seccombe

Cost: $33 Bank Transfer: ANZ J A Hotton 06-0529-0786-883-01


Venue: theartandlivingspace 17 Bradey Road, Pauatahanui, Porirua

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