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Astrology, Metaphysics and You

Level 1

Astrology, Metaphysics & You Workshop 

A weekend of learning to truly understand who you are and what makes you tick.  We look deeply into your inner child to heal this intuitive and integral part of you that needs to be healthy for you to live as a healthy and happy adult.  We will also explore the Ego Self and Higher Self that we are all made up of, so you can gain a better understanding of your internal make-up and what fears may be holding you back.  And of course we delve into Astrology to find out who you truly are and what you have chosen to experience in this lifetime, and why.  There is so  much more that we cover as well and it is a life-changing weekend for all who attend.   Here is the link to the full description and your opportunity to register your interest:-


Price: $ 450 per person with a 50% non-refundable deposit of only $225

For bookings please click here to secure your spot

Venue: Theartandlivingspace, 17 Bradey Road, Pauatahanui

DAY ONE: 9 AM - 4 PM
Meditation – Cleansing & Clearing Your Energy

Your Astrology is the map of all you have chosen to be, experience, learn and master in this lifetime. It is the Blueprint to your life and why your soul has chosen to come to the earth plane at this time. As well as giving you a broad understanding of astrology, we will also work through the major planets and placements in each of your Natal Charts so that you can know who you truly are and what you have come here to learn this time round.

Chakras – Clearing Blockages
We have many chakra points in our bodies that are energy centres, and these can very easily become blocked through our beliefs, experiences and ignorance of what is best for us and often what we do not wish to acknowledge. To be of true service and help to the world around us we first must heal ourselves and attending to your chakras on a regular basis is a vital part of this. In this Workshop we will work through each of the major 7 chakra points so as you can see what is blocking you and clear that energy so you can come back into alignment with your Higher Self.


DAY TWO : 9 AM - 4 PM

Meditation - Cleansing & Clearing Your Energy

Inner Child Work
We all come into this world wounded and then the many experiences we go through as children as well as the treatment and conditioning we receive have a major impact on how we feel about ourselves and whether we feel safe or not. To be a healthy, happy and successful adult you must first heal what has gone before. In this part of the Workshop, we will dive deeply into your past so that you can understand what you were supposed to learn from those childhood experiences, and so that you can heal them and let them go to walk your life path with confidence and surety in yourself.

Ego Self vs Higher Self
We are all made up of our Ego Self/Lower Self-energy as well as our Higher Self/connection to Spirit energy. When we remain stuck in our Ego Self and make all our decisions and take actions from this space we are usually unhappy, unsatisfied, depressed, anxious and/or struggling in some way to find our success and peace. Your Ego Self has no interest in your happiness or peace and to this end is NOT your friend. Your Higher Self on the other hand is not only your connection to all the support and guidance you can receive from the Spirit world but also your connection to YOU and the best possible part of you that you are here to develop and share with the world. Learning to differentiate between these two very powerful parts of yourself is not easy, but once you can do so, you will embrace a much happier and healthier life and one where the highest version of you is always in charge.

Question & Answer Session
I have a wealth of knowledge to share with you and so will open up at the end of the Workshop so that you can ask me any questions you would like to regarding your own life and soul’s journey, or anything to do with spirituality, or whatever else you feel the need to know at this time. Along with the teaching you will receive hand-outs on some of the topics, your own exclusively written Astrology Report & Chart and most importantly, a whole new outlook on life!


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8 August

7 pm START Jason Hotton 8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal

10 August

CLASS FULL Blue Tile Art Workshop