Nicky McLeod
At The Breathing Clinic we offer rapid, natural, effective relief from breathing-related disorders.
Nicky trained with Glenn White of the Buteyko Breathing Clinic in Auckland, New Zealand’s only Practitioner Trainer. She undertook further training in Australia with Tess Graham, Physiotherapist, Buteyko Practitioner and author of Snoring and Sleep Apnoea and Anxiety and Panic. In 2021 she completed one year of advanced training with Russian Practitioner, Misha Sakharoff. She is a member of the Buteyko Institute of Breathing and Health (BIBH).
A life-long learner, Nicky is committed to continual development of her skills and knowledge and she continues to develop her ability to connect the dots when it comes to health. She is trauma-informed and in 2022 she completed the 3 month curriculum of SmartBody SmartMind(™) created by Canadian trauma and nervous system specialist Irene Lyon. She gained her Heart Math Trauma Certification in 2023. She also organises regular ongoing Professional Development for members of her professional body, the BIBH.