Draw yourself to happiness
Art Studio Workshop | 10 am - 4 pm each day | $125.00 per person
Join talented artist Kimbra Taylor on a journey to Happiness.
Would you like to be happier? You can! Happiness can be engendered from within, where you are not dependent on external circumstances or people to be happy. I give you evidence based techniques and practises that you can apply to increase your happiness.
I show you how to activate the calming alpha brainwaves of your right hemisphere in which happiness resides. You achieve this through the creative process of learning how to draw: a right hemispheric process for which you are ideally equipped right now. Such is the power of your right hemisphere, you can learn to draw in two days and discover tools to elevate your happiness with no drawing experience required!
All you have to do is show up and I will guide you through the simple steps of accessing your right hemisphere; the portal to all that is and to who you truly are beyond the restrictions of your left hemisphere. Right here, right now, in every moment exists your potential for a happier, more empowered life.
For information about me and the right and left hemispheres of the brain, you can check out my website.
All equipment provided. Limited numbers.
Booking essential. Kimbra’s email: kimbra.taylor@gmail.com
Phone: 021 0270 1734
Venue: THE STUDIO @ Theartandlivingspace, 17 Bradey Road, Pauatahanui