Michele Courage
Michele is a lightworker (working for the highest good of all beings) and as a multidimensional being. She is a messenger of Light Encoded vibration rememberance and transference.
Michele works with Galactic light encoded energy, her purpose, to assist Gaia and all beings on earth to ascend into the 5th dimension. To empower all beings to step into their highest potential as a divine, sovereign and powerful soul. To activate her own and your rememberance.
Michele’s rememberance includes Pleiadian, Dragon, Angelic, Andromedan, Lyran, Goddess, Lemurian specifically activating and accessing this light energy. All the work Michele does is with the highest intention for the good of all and with unconditional love and light.
Michele lives on a life-style block in Central Hawkes Bay with her husband, daughter and 3 gorgeous dogs. She hosts guests, works with energy and runs incredible art and soul based workshops.