Belinda Seamark
Belinda is an experienced Intuitive Reader and Reiki Master/Teacher complemented with various other modalities she has learnt. She specializes in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®), a revolutionary method developed by Dolores Cannon.
This technique goes beyond traditional past life regression, guiding clients to a space where clarity, understanding, and healing are found by connecting with the Higher Self—the part of you that knows the answers to every question.
People seek a QHHT® session for many reasons. Some come out of curiosity, while others seek answers about their life purpose, family, work, or health issues. Clients may be dealing with life-threatening diseases, pain, discomfort, depression, or addictions, and they come with a deep desire to improve their lives. Many wish to explore past lives, understand why their life has unfolded as it has, and, more importantly, how to move forward in the best way possible. Often, they feel an inner knowing that they are meant to do something different with their life but need clarity on what that something is. Some also come with profound questions about the universe, God, or Source, and their connection to it.