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WEEKEND Astrology, Past lives and Self-Mastery

Join us in a special journey to yourself…

This 2-day intensive Workshop is designed to change your life.  You will finally get to see yourself and your life from a higher perspective and in doing so you can and will transform out of the old and into the new. 

This Workshop is an investment in YOU and in stepping into a life that you can live and love as was intended.  Through the understanding of astrology, the deep healing of your inner child and the knowledge of your past lives you can clear the ancestral wounds and scars that have been handed on generation after generation and wholly embrace the ancestral gifts and talents that were also given to you. And you will learn how to master the ego self which in turns allows you to raise your vibration and step into the true spiritual empowerment that is meant for you.

Here is a testimonial from one of my graduate students on her experience at this life-changing Event:-

“Thank you for the amazing weekend, especially you Deidre!! You are such a amazing facilitator and gifted in so many ways.  

 I am so happy I attended the workshop and met wonderful people and reconnected with myself. I am loving my higher self and feeling more at peace with everything life throws at me. I know I will need to work on this as my inner ego will try to create drama but it so empowering being aware of this and actually having a visual image to refer to of my ego on the floor in the corner.”

Caroline, NZ

This weekend includes:

Meditation – Cleansing & Clearing Your Energy Astrology - your personal journey
Chakras – Clearing Blocks Inner Child Work - Deep dive Past life work - find out more
Question & Answer Session
I have a wealth of knowledge to share with you and so will open up at the end of the Workshop so that you can ask me any questions you would like to regarding your own life and soul’s journey, or anything to do with spirituality, or whatever else you feel the need to know at this time. Along with the teaching you will receive hand-outs on some of the topics, your own exclusively written Astrology Report & Chart and most importantly, a whole new outlook on life!


Price: $ 450 per person, bring a friend and pay $400 each.

Book here

Venue: Theartandlivingspace, 17 Bradey Road, Pauatahanui

6 September

Light Language, Soul Journey & Human Design

8 September

Blue Tile Art Workshop