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Jason Hotton Energy Workshop

Energy workshop

My name is Jason Hotton and I’d like to share my journey of the mystic and the discovery that came to me when I put my hand up to be of Service to Humanity.

I’m no scholar. I was first a musician, and then a Plumber for nearly all my life. But I have always been fascinated and captivated by the world we cannot see. I have studied temple making and immersed myself with the technology of Russian Pyramids and began making traditional Orgonites in my garage. 

Not long after, I became interested in the consciousness of water and eventually went on to develop my own crystal water filtering devices using VME technology to reset the water back to its original blueprint.

And this water technology eventually would lead me to the Bubble Tech Triple Cone Orgonite Technology. This recent technology raises the bar on the conventional Orgonites. 

This talk about how we can use this technology to make a difference and to help raise the consciousness of ourselves and of Mother Earth.

I’ll be teaching the scientific breakdown of the materials used to create these devices as well as how and why they work. I’ll share about the alchemical process used in their development and how the conscious water plays an important role in their creation.

We will do a deep dive into the use of Sacred Geometry and when it’s used with the Triple Cones, it can facilitate profound shifts. 

I’ll be sharing about people’s experiences from around the World who have worked with the Bubbles as well as my own. Some of the experiences include profound mental/emotional/physical and spiritual shifts. In addition, how the Bubbles have helped energetically clear land, heal water and even return birdlife back to a desolate area of forest. 

On the first night, I’ll be talking about the vibration of water and how it affects all aspects of our Being. I’ll be explaining about Bubble Tech and we will experience the effects of Euphoria using this technology for meditation.

During the workshop on the following day, we will dive even deeper into the creation of the Bubbles, the materials and alchemy as well as the Sacred Geometry and humming used during meditation. I’ll be setting up a pyramid in the space to showcase this technology at yet another level. We will then practice several meditations of Euphoria together, beaming out from our hearts into the Ethers, affecting change in a positive way.

You can expect to learn about Bubble Tech and its higher purpose aimed to change our consciousness and raise the vibration of humanity. You’ll leave feeling empowered to be part of the change after experiencing the vibrations of this technology for yourself.

For years Jason has been researching the mysticism of water and energy.  Using magnets to vortex and crystals to charge and purify water with the compounds and extraordinary benefits of copper,  He has created his own water purification system. His work is inspired by the teachings from the masters Nikola Tesla & Wilhelm Reich.

Recently, he discovered something new , which has changed his life and the lives of others. A combination of all the elements he has been experimenting with, and much more. Join his workshop and be forever changed in the way you experience energy.

Cost: $150. Bank Transfer: ANZ J A Hotton 06-0529-0786-883-01

Bookings. Please bring your own lunch to the workshop. Snacks and purified water provided.

Venue: theartandlivingspace 17 Bradey Road, Pauatahanui, Porirua

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